Waiver & Consent Form


This Waiver and Consent is to be read in conjunction with ZIPCITY MACAU LTD’s Terms and Conditions.

In consideration for using the services and facilities offered and/or provided by ZIPCITY MACAU LTD its employees, directors and agents, and all other companies, persons or entities acting in any capacity on behalf thereof (collectively, “ZIPCITY”), I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms of this document (this “Waiver and Consent”):

  1. I accept that ZIPCITY’s zipline services and facilities in Macau at the venue (the “Zipline Venue”) including, but not limited to, the use of ziplines, harnesses, safety equipment, and aerial platforms (including steps or means of access to or from such platforms, retail viewing, changing and waiting areas (the “Zipline Activities”) are adventure activities and carry with them a substantial degree of potential risk of injury or death to my person and loss or damage to my property. Knowing of that risk, I still wish to participate in the Zipline Activities and I hereby expressly agree to assume the risks to my person and property while participating in the Zipline Activities.

  2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I waive the right on behalf of myself and all minors listed below, to sue ZIPCITY for any claims, suits or demands arising out of any (1) personal injury or death, or (2) loss or damages to my/our property related to my/our participation in the Zipline Activities, excluding any personal injury or death or loss or damages of property caused by ZIPCITY’s negligence.

  3. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ZIPCITY against all and any losses, claims, proceedings, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees), caused by my or any of the listed minors’ negligence, omission, act, conduct or behaviour whilst participating in the Zipline Activities.

  4. I certify that I and all of the listed minors are in good health and physical condition and free from any medical conditions or injuries which may affect or preclude any of us from safely participating in the Zipline Activities and that I should seek medical advice if I am in any doubt as to whether I/we should participate.

  5. I consent to images and videos being taken of me and/or the listed minors for security or promotional purposes by ZIPCITY and agree that such images and videos will be the exclusive property of ZIPCITY. I further agree that photographs and recordings of me may be used in any form or media whatsoever without any payment or compensation to me.

  6. I agree that ZIPCITY may collect, use and/or disclose of any personal information provided by me in accordance with its Privacy Policy (a copy of which I have read).

  7. In the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese version of the terms of this Waiver and Consent and the terms provided in any other language, the Chinese version shall prevail.

  8. This Waiver and Consent shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Macau SAR and the courts of Macau shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising in connection with operation, formation or interpretation of this Waiver and Consent.

  9. I hereby confirm that I have attained 18 years of age and I have carefully read and I understand that I, and the listed minors, have given up substantial rights by signing this Waiver and Consent, and agree to be bound by its terms, as well as those detailed in the terms and conditions, for myself and on behalf of the listed minors. If there are any accompanying minors, I am responsible for them (whether as parent, legal guardian, custodian, or otherwise). 



Listed Minors (Name & Date of Birth)





I, as the parent/guardian, authorize the following minor(s) to participate in the Zipline Activities and accept the above terms and conditions on his/her behalf. 

Name: _________________________ DOB: _________

Name: _________________________ DOB: _________

Name: _________________________ DOB: _________

Name: _________________________ DOB: _________